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Exploring Your Birth Options

“I’ve been told I need to have an induction on my due date...” But...Do you really?

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 99 British pounds
  • Customer's Place

Service Description

What if you don’t want to have an induction? Or you would really, really like a caesarean birth but it’s not being offered? Together we will delve into the evidence and most up-to-date research to help inform your decision-making around your pregnancy, labour and birth. I’m not here to tell you what to do, but what I can give you is all of the information and support for you to make up your own mind. No two people are the same, no two pregnancies are the same, and quite often hospital guidelines don’t look at the individual. Once you have decided, I can then help you to navigate the waters towards getting the birth you want, getting you booked in to see the right people or helping you to plan your next hospital appointment so you know what to ask, or have all the relevant evidence-based information at your fingertips! Exploring Your Birth Options can be done either in-person or over Zoom, and usually takes around 90 minutes.

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